Wednesday , September 18 2024

Recent Posts

New law on the legal assistance of the most Haitian deprived

With the end goal to enhance the entrance of the poorest to equity in Haiti, another law on legitimate help (83 articles, casted a ballot on September tenth), went for making equity available, enhance the comprehension of the law, avoid strife and advance the settlement of debate was distributed in …

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Haiti receive Donation from Japan emergency response equipment

As a major aspect of the participation with Japan and the help of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the “Flexibility” venture that has quite recently finished following 2 years of presence, the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC) has prepared the Departmental Emergency Operations Centers (COUD) of the North …

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$2.3M to improve the Haitian education system

The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP), the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) and the European Union (EU) propelled the undertaking “Enhancing the Haitian instruction framework through arranging and vital administration”. With subsidizing from the EU to the tune of $2.3 million more than 3 years, …

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