Wednesday , September 18 2024

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Haiti – DR : The Bureau of Standardization of Haiti strengthens its links with his Dominican counterpart

As a major aspect of the foundation of a binational quality structure and reinforcing of value framework, the Bureau of Standardization of Haiti (BHN, initiated in 2012 of-haitian-agency of-measures and-of-metrology-laboratory.html ) and the Dominican Institute for Quality (INDOCAL), seven days of work and preparing was sorted out in Santo …

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Haiti Politic : The radical opposition claims to be a victim of repression

Marjory Michel, Schiller Louidor and Me Michel of the Democratic and Popular Movement of the resistance say “The political constraint is seething in Miragoâne. Joanis Jean Claude, security officer of Senator Nenel Cassy, ​​was captured by the legal experts of Miragoâne at the compensation of the political power set up. …

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Haiti – ALERT : The United States advises against traveling to Haiti

The US Government encourages US natives to reevaluate their movement to Haiti, because of wrongdoing and common turmoil flighty and sporadic in Port-au-Prince and somewhere else in Haiti. On November 29, 2018, the U.S. government approved the flight of non-crisis U.S. government faculty and their families. Challenges, tire consuming, and …

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