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Ginger Benefits

Ginger Benefits, Here’s another natural antibiotic that you may already have in your home, Ginger. Ginger has been used as medicine for thousands of years and is readily available at stores and supermarkets. It grows in tropical regions throughout the world including Asia, the United States, China, and India. The …

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Liquorice Benefits

Liquorice is found throughout the world and even imported into the United States from other countries because of its antibacterial and healing properties. There are many different species of liquorice plant and it has been used to heal asthma, coughs, and disease since the third century. Liquorice by itself can …

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Usnea Benefits best for health

Usnea is a genus of lichen found throughout the United States that grows on the bark and twigs of other plants. Usnea is a lichen that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Usnea has a wide range of potential health benefits, including: – Boosting the immune system – …

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Honey Benefits

Here’s one that you’re bound to already have in your kitchen. If not, you should find some and stock up! Local honey is created from nectar gathered from local flower and plants and can be used to heal scrapes and cuts. In addition to its healing power it even reduces …

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Juniper is a very common plant that has great antibiotic and antioxidant properties. You can find different types of Juniper throughout the United States and around the world. In Europe and India, juniper berries have been used as a spice for cuisine. Juniper berries are also used as medicine in …

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There are many plants located throughout the United States and the world that contain berberine. It has strong antibiotic properties but unlike sida, bidens, and artemisia it doesn’t travel through the blood to other parts of the body so it must be applied directly to the area of the body …

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There are 100 different types of artemisia plants located throughout the United States. The main type of artemisia that has antibiotic properties is called artemisia annua and grows in every region of the US. It’s commonly called sweet sagewort and has been used to treat many different medical conditions. Most …

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